About us

Dr. Yushin Oh, DPT, LAc, DiplAc

Physical Therapist
Huntington Station, NY

Dr. Yushin Oh is a trained acupuncturist and physical therapist practicing at Emerald Rehabilitation & Wellness Clinic. A dedicated professional, she provides quality care to the residents of Huntington Station, NY.

Dr. Oh holds a master’s degree in traditional Chinese medicine from the New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She earned her doctoral degree in physical therapy from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. She accepts patients for sports injuries, herniated disks, spondylolysis, and bell’s palsy, to name a few.

Dr. Oh is well-versed in English and Korean, which makes her widely accessible to a diverse population. She believes in using the most premier facilities for her clients. She keeps the best interests of her patients at heart and ensures that they have a pleasant visit to her practice

Dr. Jiyoon Kim, LAc, DACM, DiplAc

Huntington Station, NY

Mr. Jiyoon Kim practices as an acupuncturist with Emerald Rehabilitation & Wellness Clinic at Huntington Station, NY. He understands that speedy relief is a highly valuable aspect of pain management. So he ensures that recuperation can be brought about quickly through his skilled therapeutic techniques.

Mr. Kim earned a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York, Stony Brook. He then pursued a master’s degree in traditional chinese medicine from the New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He constantly stays up-to-date on the most progressive techniques available.

Mr. Kim uses his fluency in Korean, along with English, to help cater to patients from diverse ethnic backgrounds. His patients find comfort in knowing that his primary goal is to help them live pain-free. He understands that the needs of each individual may differ and treats every person with compassion, respect, and attention

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